The salary level of the euro area has increased at the fastest level in ten years! The central bank said that this is not necessarily a good thing?

According to data released by the European Central Bank on Tuesday, the salary level of the euro zone began to rise and reached the highest growth rate in 13 years, which is higher than expected. The European Central Bank expressed concern about this situation and expressed her need to pay close attention to the development of the situation to avoid the rise in prices-wage spiral.

As the inflation rate of the euro zone exceeds 7%and the vacancy rate of position reaching a record high, experts have predicted that rising wages are only a matter of time. However, although the increase is greater than expected, the wages have not yet reached the level of inflation, and the spiral increase between prices and wages has not yet become a real threat.

It is predicted that the wages in the euro zone will continue to show up. On the one hand, the vacancies in European positions have continued to increase, and the company’s wages raid their wages to attract the labor force required. On the other hand, as Germany’s most important salary negotiations this year will be held at the end of this year, the wages of the euro zone have the potential to further increase. In order to avoid the rise in prices and wages, the European Central Bank will have to take more measures if the wages of the euro zone rise further.

Post time: May-27-2022